My computer. PII 450mHz, 128mb ram, Riva TNT2 3dfx card. I so need a new one *shakes cup with pennies in*
The Praktica LTL from 1972. Together with 2 lenses (only one pictured) and the 3 macro rings I make my photography. No matter what some people say about Prakticas I find them (well "it") absolutely marvellous. And the best thing, you can often find cameras like this on yardsales and auctions, they often go quite cheap. And if you're lucky, like with mine, it's in quite good condition aswell.
My webcam. Logitech QuickCam Pro 3000. Not much more to say. Can take quite good images IF the light is enough. Which it most often isn't, it's getting on my nerves, I should've gotten a low end digicam instead.
Not pictured: Wacom Graphire, flat bed scanner and a 180cm (6') tall tripod which I also hold very dear. No, I don't have parkinsons.